Wednesday, February 2, 2011

First Post Blues.

I am ready to change my life for the better.

Overall my life is promising right now, and I am determined to reach my full potential.

I hate my job, and I am not supported in it, nor am I given adequate professional development opportunities. My job is easy and I feel like I'm getting an ulcer from the stress and I think my brain is dying for want of a good challenge.

I am thirty pounds overweight. Over my goal weight.

My closest friends live multiple states away and I rarely get to see them.

My finances are in a mess. I make so little at my job that my student loans are in forbearance. And I still managed to overdraft my checking account last month.

I recently quit improv, which I love, because at this particular time, the place where I was doing improv was slowly but surely killing my soul. This is actually a very positive thing, since I've been wanting to quit for quite a while. However, it's bad because my fears about quitting were realized: I've lost all my local friends, for all practical purposes.

And my apartment is a mess. It is filled mostly with 12 years worth of academic and 33 years of emotional excess. And now, stink bugs too.

So you see? I have so many things to improve! I am actually really excited for the first time in a long time about what lies ahead. What I'm most excited about is seeing what lies ahead on my current path and realizing I can change paths.

So that's is what I'm going to do. And my new path leads to San Francisco.


  1. Yay! I'm pretty sad that I will now be many MORE multiple states away from you, but I'm happy for you nonetheless! (And, in case you forgot this OLD name, I'm Michelle) : )

  2. I am hoping that the new job part will help with that though, since I'll have more money. See? I'll HAVE to have more money in order to live in San Francisco! It works out perfectly. xoxo

  3. Awww what big changes Charity! Kudos to you for taking your life into your own hands and moving forward rather than being stuck! The west coast offers so much promise, beauty, and fun (even in a state with a dreadful budget and a super high cost of living). I love it for all sorts of reasons. When do you move? -Lauren

  4. When do I move.... Stay tuned!!! I have so much to take care of here in Atlanta before I go that I get overwhelmed thinking about it, but I am just going to keep on going until I'm there!

  5. Wow you are really going? I am jealous since we would LOVE to move back to San Francisco. I wish I could help you but most people I know are in the Bay Area. I hate that you will be so far away but you need to do what makes you happy. And now if you are there as well there is just another reason for us to visit. xoxox Susanna

  6. Follow your dreams, young one. I'm sad Greensboro is not in them. One has to keep moving in all aspects of life though. Ever tried steering a car when it's sitting still?
