Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day Nine: Check.

So yesterday I got up really early and flew to San Francisco. I don't remember much of that because - miracle of miracles - I was able to sleep through much of the plane ride. I still arrived feeling tired and gross; even after I took a shower I didn't feel that much better. I'm just really dragging because of the time change. I realized that when I move, I really want to drive out here. It just feels more natural, like the wagon trains of the nineteenth century. I want to have a real grasp of just how far from home I am. On the plane ride here, it was just strange to pass over the Rocky Mountains, and the plains of Kansas and Oklahoma, and the Ozarks in Arkansas (except in reversed order, obviously). I want to really *know* how far away from home I am when I move here. I can't imagine getting off a plane and being in a new home. It just seems too surreal or something.

Anyway, so yesterday after getting here and riding in a cab with a driver who apparently has nothing left to lose in this life and taking a shower, Collin and I went out for a late lunch at Burma Superstar, which was delicious! I had samusa soup and Collin had pork curry. Apparently I really like Burmese food! Who knew?

For dinner we went out to a delicious Turkish restaurant called Troya. MMM! Apparently I also like Turkish food. The owner was there and he was a very nice man. I like meeting restaurant owners. They take such pride in their restaurants; the food and service is always better when the owner participates.

Other than eat, we also went to visit Collin's new workplace (he starts Monday!); although we planned on taking public transportation, we ended up walking much of it. It was beautiful weather but my shoes are driving me batty. Just, you know, FYI. But Yammer was great and we walked around talking to people there, who were all so friendly. He is going to have a great time there. So... I want to move more than before but I'm also afraid that my job will pale in comparison. Not that that should make me not try; I don't know why I'm so anxious about the whole job thing!

Today we've been walking around together -- I love his neighborhood! We got coffee and ate breakfast at a lovely little coffee shop around the corner. It reminds me of Java Monkey a little bit; I can see why Collin likes it. While there, I spoke by phone with my sister-in-law, who has not yet had the baby but is pursuing yogic and chinese medicinal means of moving the baby along (yesterday was the original due date, although the midwife has actually been saying the 14th for awhile now).

Overall, this weekend has been amazing so far. I really need to get on the getting-a-job bandwagon, and I plan to do so first thing Monday morning. I need to be out here. Collin and I are having an awesome time, and I am loving the atmosphere here! I would post photos, but I left my camera AND laptop at home, so please forgive me. Hopefully I'll add some later.

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