Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day Nineteen: Warning Signs.

I am pleased to announce that I have now applied for fourteen jobs in SF! I also found out that another of my friends is pregnant. Love is all around!

Today has been very emotional. I probably need my medicine but in all honesty, I think it's mostly because MY LIFE IS IN UPHEAVAL RIGHT NOW. It would be weirder if I was all "la-di-da-the world is covered in roses and happy puppies!"

I have hardly spoken with Collin all weekend and I'm having to face the fact that he doesn't want a long distance relationship and this has become a long distance relationship. It's very scary to think about that, but at least he prepared me by basically telling me before he even moved that I was going to be on my own during the move. I can't say that he ever mislead me but it's still very sad for me, since I love him so much. To me it seems weird, since he only moved to SF on the 8th, and I last saw him on the 13th and it's only the 20th, but the fact that he's playing the LDR card this early is really a telling sign. I've made the mistake of overanalyzing things in the past, but I don't think that's the case here, since I'm just listening to the words he's saying.

Anyway, so I'm still excited about the move, but I can't say I'm quite as optimistic about it. At least I'm no longer in any real hurry.

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