Friday, February 25, 2011

Day Twenty-Four: Already.

Yikes. Time moves like the dickens! Or, the Dickens. I don't know.

I can't believe it's been almost a month. Let me see what I've done.

1) I've lost six pounds. Excellent.

2) I've sorted through a bunch of junk, but I haven't taken the donations to the Salvation Army or put the sellables on Craig's List. Oh well.

3) I've gone to visit SF for the first time and fallen in love with it.

4) I've done my taxes (it is incredible to me that I've done my taxes before March this year. This is the first time I've done them before April, as far as I recall). Awesome.

5) I've really gotten my website into good shape I think.

6) I've applied for probably 20 jobs, most of those in the last 6 days, actually. I've also sent emails to several contacts I have and gotten promising leads from at least one of them.

7) I've gotten closer to Collin's family although he's gotten further (and farther) away from me (yes, it's weird).

I'm excited to see what's in store for me in the near future. I'm really impatient to get to SF but I think I'm doing ok with the process so far.

I did send in my rent check today for March and think I should tell my landlord I'm moving... But when am I moving? Who knows. I'm amazed at how well I'm dealing with all this uncertainty.

Wow, you might be saying, because you're not dealing with it well at all. Exactly. What if I hadn't been dealing with it "well" then?

Our volunteer at work (we often work together, just me and her, since she often comes in when no one else is there) told me she was worried about me today, and then she gave me a really solid hug.

I'll be ok.

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