Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day Eighteen: Postscript.

1) I think what bothered me the most about the class I took is that it was more an introduction to the Web Design and Development certificate offered by Emory Lifelong Learning than it was an introduction to Web Design and Development. So I left thinking, "wow, there really is quite a bit I don't know."

2) 7 apparently was too early to go to bed. With much grumbles and protestations, I roused myself at 7:30 and spent the next 4 hours basically transporting junk from my Closet (I have one closet in my entire apartment) and bedroom bookshelves into my living room while watching Firefly. My allergies were definitely irritated, but my Closet looks awfully nice now, and I realized that my camping equipment is still in really good shape, despite being in the recesses of my Closet for the past 4+ years. Also, I love Firefly. So, good decision. I also gathered all my giveaway stuff into one area and pushed my sellaway furniture into another area, so I have more room in my living room, for sitting on the couch and walking through. Good job, me!

3) One thing I didn't mention in my previous post was that I broke my balance ball. Despite the fact that it was 70+ degrees in Atlanta yesterday and gorgeous (I didn't really notice, since I was indoors all day, but whatever), I had my heater on and my ball rolled into it (my house was built in the 20s, so "level" is kind-of irrelevant) and melted. One less thing to worry about I guess. Although I miss it.

4) There was a very loud and obnoxious college-kids party across the street from my house. It was in the house next to the house where they are filming a movie right now, which I believes stars Queen Latifah and Dolly Parton. I know, weird. Apparently now that the filming is on weekend break, the kids are reveling in the freedom of being about to park on our street for a few days so they invited their friends over to do the same. I'm so glad I'm getting old.

5) I am going on a biplane ride. I am excited. I was sad because I didn't know who to go with but I immediately got volunteers and now am super-stoked! My dad called because he wanted to come down and go with me, too. I love my dad.

I'm on my way to visit Yael right now. I'm very excited because I get to walk to lunch and enjoy the still beautiful weather.

And the thing is, yesterday had 2 really awesome Harper-related developments, too. I'll post them below.

My brother and his sweet baby girl.

My sweet baby niece in one of the other onesies I embroidered for her and LEG WARMERS. If you've ever seen anything cuter, I don't want to hear about it, because it's a big fat lie.

Thanks for putting up with my moaning and complaining. I'm planning on accomplishing even more today. Which is saying a lot, because at the end of the day yesterday, I really had made progress, despite also having cried a lot and having gained back the 3 pounds I lost.

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