Friday, February 18, 2011

Day Seventeen: Day is Done, Gone the Sun...

I'm really excited about my web design class tomorrow. I'm hoping to learn a bunch of stuff, or at least to learn some of the basics that I have skipped. The curse of being curious, stubborn, and intelligent is that one is sometimes able to figure things out without actually learning "the basics." I'm hoping that this class will at least fill in the basics-gaps.

In other web news, I was experimenting with Fotomoto for selling my photos on my website, and Collin was sweet enough to buy a photo from me (!), but I decided to try SmugMug also. I was able to customize my site's name ( and the look of the site, too! I'm very happy with it, but I haven't decided whether or not to invest in an account there. It's fun just to see it and think of the possibilities.

In other non-web news, my brother sent a photo to me today of my beautiful niece Harper wearing one of the onesies I embroidered for her! He called the photo Hula Girl. I love it.

LOVEly. I mean, how is it possible for so much beauty and miraculousness to occupy such a small part of the world?!

So now I'm really really tired and my apartment is still a mess, although I did sell two books on Amazon and, you know, set up a photography website (, did I tell you?), and I actually lost a couple of pounds last night, somehow. :-) Anyway, I am not down about it. I just know now that I need to make a to-do list for Sunday and stick to it.

I'll be going out with Yael for lunch on Sunday (YAY!) but I think that will be a good way to divide up the day between chilling out (AM) and working (PM). I need to write emails to the people I know in SF and that area, and try to set up some informational interviews. Plus, that will give me an excuse to buy another ticket to SF (where I'll get some good Collin-snuggle-time, I'm pretty sure)!

Speaking of Collin, apparently he gets free beer and pizza and bacon cheeseburgers at work, which is another reason for me to get out there ASAP. If I don't, there is apparently a very good chance that he will have a heart attack or gain 300 pounds. Or BOTH.

Ok, well, it's time for me to tuck into bed with my sweet Sambo, who patiently awaits...

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