Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Days Twenty-Seven and Twenty-Eight: Blurry.

I'm getting so tired. I'm trying not to be discouraged about the job search, and I know that eventually all will come to fruition, but I'm tired. It's getting difficult to come home from work every day and then sit in front of the computer even longer sending letters to people begging them to hire me, afraid they will never even see them. Since I first got those 2 rejection emails, I have heard NOTHING from ANYWHERE. I've applied to over 25 places by now, too. It's exasperating.

My eyes are blurry because I'm so tired, my days are blurry because they are going so fast and I'm working through from wake-up to night-night. I couldn't remember my PIN today at the grocery store and even typed in my phone number wrong.

I don't mean to complain; I know this is part of the process, and I'm no better than anyone else who has to go through this. It's really been humbling, actually. But I'm tired. And I want to go home. Wherever that will be when this is all over.

In other news, I took a lot of pictures recently of all the sorting, and I'm going to post them when I finally get around to it. In the meantime, here's a little photo of the most beautiful niece in the universe wearing a onesie I appliquéd for her, sleeping like I wish I could again.

I can't believe I used to have time to craft...

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