Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day Thirty-One: Feeling Groovy.

Well, this morning I feel like I'm ready to hike up my skirt and pull myself up from my boot-straps or whatever. I am pretty sure I found a different space to stay, so although I'll have to pay for it, at least I won't have to see Collin. That feels really good actually.

I'm very angry with Mom right now. This is not the first time she's promised something and then been oblivious to it later. I guess part of me always thought that would be the case, especially when she started telling me not to go. It's sad for her because I AM going, and as long as she acts like this, I'm not really talking to her about it. But then again, maybe she doesn't really care after all.

All the stress and heartbreak that I felt last night has turned into FIERCE determination. Let no man nor woman stand in my way, my friends, because I am going West no matter what. This is *my* life and it's time I make it such. *I'm* the one I should be trying to impress. *I'm* the one I should be seeking approval of. *I'm* the one whom I should be depending on. And from now on, that's what I'm going to do. Everyone and everything else is just going to have to take a back seat. Indefinitely.

Also, I joined okcupid. It's pretty dumb, but there are a lot of fun quizzes, so I think I'll stay on there. It's free entertainment after all, which is really nice when I can't sleep at night. Hopefully now that I don't have to worry about staying with Collin anymore, I will be able to sleep better.

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